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Humanity is Evolving

Understanding our relationship to our Universe is vital.

Vital to our well-being.

We are evolving.

Humanity is evolving.

Evolving past old thought patterns.

Evolving past old habits.

Humanity is spinning.

We have shown up here with a shared disconnect.

A disconnect we yearn for so deeply;

We've created our entire life experience around where we come from or where we might return to.

What about right here?

What about right now?

Reality isn't neither here; nor there.

It is right here.

Presence is infinite.

It's time.

It's time to understand where we come from.

We are taking on a new life.

We are taking on a new purpose.

Our purpose as one.

We have to greet one another to this new world.

Greet everyone with the same clean slate you've already offered yourself.

Greet one another as brothers & sisters.

We are not just physical beings bumping around one another.

We are the Universe.

Our subconscious is shared energetic matter.


We are an interconnected spider web of Eternity.

Living a physical experience.

We are one.

We are infinitely changing.

Infinitely evolving.

Throughout evolution;

We have over complicated ourselves.

We have over complicated humanity.

It's time to bring it all back.

It's time to live in the most authentic way.

Present & mindfully in the moment.

The energy in our shared subconscious is clearing.

Generations of subconscious sickness is clearing.

We are remembering where we came from.

We are remembering why we are here.

We are remembering who we are.

Although this is an incredibly beautiful process;

It's incredibly painful.

We are no longer comfortable in our old world.

We have to trust the process.

Strip life back to the basics.

Get to know yourself.

Get to know one another.

We are here to learn.

Learn from one another.

As beautiful as the big picture is at large;

It's time to find our grounding.

To discover what's innate to our being;

In the now.

We are meant to be such simple beings.

We are meant to live at peace.

It's time to become one with our reality.

One with ourselves. One with one another.

One with our Eternity.

Images in this video Created and Directed By Diego Pernía. Starring Edsa Ramírez, Alejandra Infante and Fernanda Vizzuet. Produced by El Mall, based on an original idea by Televisa celebrating the Bicentennial of México. Music: Aloha Ke Akua by Nahko Bear

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